Monday, January 26, 2009

Employment & Population

Employment becomes difficult with the increase of population. When I graduated in 1975, as long as one had a college degree it was easy to find a good paying job. The population then was around 51 million. In 1990, it was difficult even to find a job, more so to get employed for the course I took. The demand for jobs at that time was on the IT industry.

Now that the IT industry does not have that much demand for employment, the Medical requirements for nurses is on the uptrend. My point here is, there are so many nursing graduates way back 5 years ago or more, unlike the demand for IT jobs before. How come there are still a majority of them that remain unemployed on their field? It looks like getting a nursing job abroad is a lottery! Many of them are waiting for the chance to find the "pot-o-gold" working abroad!

Based on census and statistics, the following graph shows the population of the Philippines:

POPULATION (in millions)
Indicator 1980 1990 1995 2000 2010
Total country . . . . . . . 51,092 65,036 72,859 80,961 112,963
Urban. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,028 31,159 38,142 45,953 82,203
Rural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,064 33,877 34,717 35,008 30,760

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