Wednesday, January 18, 2023

PBBM - Doing the same mistakes as his father

Like in my previous blog of December 2019, "After Pres. Duterte - what now Philippines", the mistakes of FEM are seems to be repeated by his son PBBM. There is or was a vlog, After Pres. Duterte by Showbiz News Update TV -, where it says that people now want former Pres. DU30 should be returned to MALACAÑANG. This is for the reason that many, if not most, of his appointees are not effective or not performing as expected.

There is no doubt about it because there have been several that have been fired or have resigned due to questionable performance of their duties. Should there more appointees by PBBM that will be doubtful in their performance, the Philippines might be in trouble again. 

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